Tuesday, December 8, 2009

5 Tips To Improve Your SEO Ranking To Your Blog

Search Engine Optimization clues
This is 5 tips, technique, clues to improve your blog optimize by search engine like google, bing and main search engine lets say blog search engine optimazation ranking clues.

This technique or clues was represent by Craig Dawber at http://www.craigdawber.com/pro-blogging-tips/improve-seo-ranking-blog/. This is the short note what i understand if you want known detail go to craigdawber web site.

Have you ever wondered how popular websites or blogs secure their spots on the top of the list on search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN? They follow a “To-Do” list to climb their way up the SEO ladder and these tips work like wonder to improve your SEO ranking to your blog.

1) Target The Right Keyword
Listen up! If you target the wrong keyword, you are probably never going to see any result for the rest of your life. It is very common for all of use to want to go for the popular and big keywords because this is the core of bringing in massive traffic from search engines, but how many of us are able to climb that far up? Be realistic and target keywords which are smaller and longer so you are able to hit the top 10 ranking easier.
2) Build links, build links and build links
After rounds and rounds of research, you should be able to pick out the keyword you want to rank well for. Now, you should focus and work on building links with this targeted keyword. There are umpteen ways of building links and it is all about taking time off to do the dirty work. Below are my suggestions for building links:
  • Article Submission
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Guest Posting
  • Link Exchange
  • Web and Blog Directories Submission
For a more detailed explanation on how to work all these methods out, you can explore the rest of my blog to ensure you don’t miss out on any of them.

3) Work On The Keyword Density
Keyword density is also an important factor that determines the focused keyword of your blog and it is said that the optimum keyword density is approximately 5% to 6%. Despite your effort to ensure the keyword percentage in your articles, do bear in mind that your articles should still be functional and helpful to your readers. After all, writing for your readers is more important writing for search engines because your readers are the one who will support you for the long run.

4) Tweak Your Tags
Search engines give more weight to text enclosed in certain HTML tags such as the tag and the heading tags. So, after optimizing content, have keyword-rich page titles, headings and sub-headings. Try to keep the text under 64 characters. Anything longer might get chopped off by the search engines.

5)  Stay patient, then rinse and repeat
Measure your results using search engine ranking tools and update your website at least once a week as search engines give priority to updated sites. If you do not get listed in the top 10, do not fret. It is a hotly contested page with scores of companies vying for the spot.
Look instead at your blog’s ranking for the keywords. If you have moved up, then you’re right on track. Refine your keywords, include new keywords, optimize your content and get more credible incoming links!

I hope with this 5 Tips, technique clues you can take charge to  Improve Your SEO Ranking To Your Blog

more: http://internet-marketing-work-from-home.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bing SEO - How to Optimize Your Website For Bing

SEO clues
A few months ago, Microsoft launched their new search engine: Bing. Since it's launch, there are many discussions and debates about whether Bing will overtake Yahoo and Google. Although it is still very early to talk about Bing disposing the big 2, the future seems good after several good reviews about Bing.
It does not matter whether Bing is going to be the new number 1 or number 2. The fact is, Bing is definitely going to capture a bigger market share compared to its predecessor MSN Live. So it is important that you know how to optimize your website for Bing. Now, let me share with you a few tips to get your website to rank high on Bing.
1. Name your HTML pages properly. If a page is talking about cleaning services, you should name your file as "cleaning-services.html", using hyphen to separate each word. Using important keywords to name your files will definitely help in Bing optimization.
2. Make sure the title is relevant to the content of the page. Title tag optimization is very important when it comes to Bing optimization. Place important keywords at the start of the Title and make sure that the keywords you use are relevant to the content of the page.
3. Register your domain name early and don't change it unnecessarily. The age of a domain plays a part when it comes to SEO. Bing tends to like older domain names. So you choose the right domain name from the beginning so that you don't need to change it after a year.
4. Add more content to your website. Search engines love content, especially Google and Bing. So if you have articles, post them onto your websites. If not, add a blog to your site and update it regularly.
5. Keep your URL simple and static. URLs that change frequently are difficult to index. So make your URL static and keep it as simple as possible. Remember to place keywords in your URL.
6. Build links. Link building is an important process of SEO. If you want to rank high on Bing, get other sites to link back to your website. Bing will see your site as popular and reward you with high rankings.
7. Rank well on Google. If your site ranks well on Google, most probably you will rank well on Bing.
So start optimizing your website for Bing today and get more traffic to your website.
Cheow Yu Yuan is the co-founder of OOm, an online marketing agency providing SEO service.
Speak to our SEO consultant at OOm Singapore now.
Please feel free to republish this article on your website, or distribute it to your friends or clients, as long as you leave the resource box intact.

Search Engine Optimization Important to Create Effective Meta Tags to Improve SEO Page Rank

Search Engine Optimization - It is Important to Create Effective Meta Tags to Improve SE Page Rank-search engine optimization clues
Did you know that millions of prospective customers access the internet daily? Would you like to attract them to your website and increase your client base? If yes, then ensure that customers can easily find your website on search engines when they search for your business-related terms. You need to improve your search engine rankings so that your website shows on the first few pages of search results. Search engine optimization (SEO) helps you achieve this task and greatly improve the chances of your website success.
One of the best ways of improving website rankings is the use of effective meta tags. The right tags instantly make your website search engine friendly.
Meta Tags
Meta tags provide a description of your web pages to web browsers. Search engines use them to identify pages matching customer search requests for keywords. The three main kinds of meta tags are meta titles, meta keywords, and meta descriptions. Provide your company name and important information, specific keywords and specific information about page content in your meta tags for maximum impact.
Meta Keywords
Meta tags contain a continuous comma separated list of targeted search phrases. Search for the right keywords to include in your meta tags. Consider both popularity of keywords and competition before making your decision. Substitute already crowded generic terms like 'jeans' with specific phrases like 'blue denim boot-cut jeans' to achieve excellent results without spending a fortune.
Meta Titles
Meta titles are the clickable links you see on search results pages. They provide another great way of getting web browsers and search engines to notice your website. Use clear, concise and unambiguous titles for best results. In addition to being interesting, your meta titles should inform customers about the content on your web page and assure them that it contains the information customers are looking for. Though witty titles appeal to some, most customers and search engines prefer simplicity and clarity in meta titles. Additionally, place most relevant keywords in the beginning of the title and make sure it is not more than 94 characters in length including spaces.
Meta Descriptions
The purpose of meta descriptions is to provide that information which does not fit into the meta title. This should include a summary of the webpage, containing all relevant keywords and related content and provide all required information about your webpage to users in one short paragraph. Additionally the description should seek to arouse user interest compelling them to visit your website. Meta descriptions should be less than 165 characters in length including spaces.
Using the right meta tags is central to your website success. If you are unsure about which meta tags to use, it is advisable to hire an experienced SEO firm to do the job for you. SEO firms can help you find all the relevant keywords and design the right titles and descriptions for your web pages. This will increase your website visibility and reach turning it into a profitable business venture.
Daljeet Sidhu is Co-founder at TradeSeam Business Network. Connect with customers, suppliers, partners and service providers online and start receiving qualified sales leads to grow your business. Find, Compare Prices and Save on vendors and suppliers for your business needs. Power up your business by leveraging the Tradeseam verified seal to build trust with customers, partners and suppliers and receive more qualified sales leads and business opportunities. Read our search engine optimization services advice. Compare web design search engine optimization quotes.

Google SEO Training Course - Vital Clues From Search History

search engine optimization clues
Any SEO training course claiming to cover the Google search engine that does not recognize the history of search is missing the whole point.

Let us take note of some very relevant and important part of that history. When the Google guys were trooping around trying to sell their superior search engine to leading web names at the time like Excite, Yahoo and the likes, most people did not think that search was important. They saw no value in it. And yet I remember as a user struggling on the Yahoo search engine for hours seeking some simple information.
So what made Google different was simply the fact that it made it much easier to find what you were looking for. This is a profound statement to anybody seeking a Google SEO training course. It means that all you need to do to rank highly in Google search results is offer exactly what your target market is looking for.
I know this sounds corny but it is as I have already said a profound truth. If you offer quality content, others will naturally read it, link to it and come back again and again for more information and what takes over is the viral effect and within no time your site zooms to the top of Google search results.

You see it is said that Google algorithm considers about 500 million variables in ranking sites. You can be sure each of those variables is designed to give the user a better experience. That is how Google has become such a successful company with absolutely no advertising. The juggernaut has just grown from word of mouth.
In other words you do not need any Google SEO training course. All you need to is to do exactly what the Google guys Sergey Brin and Larry Page did that caused their small start-up to grow so phenomenally.
SEO can be extremely simple. Learn how simple from this Google SEO training course tips blog I have created.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

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How To Build A Rabid List Of Opt-In Subscribers

Your subscribers sign up for a specific reason. They are hungry for the information you offer. If it does not meet their expectations, they either won't subscribe in the first place or they will soon unsubscribe.
Fortunately, it's relatively easy to address both of these scenarios simply by knowing your audience and giving them what they want. Offer the ideal content and you will see new subscribers signing up every day and current ones taking action on the messages you send them.
As you know, this can mean easy money for you when you entice them with a product that feeds their interests.
First and foremost, you want to build a targeted list that serves a targeted market. If you want to attract tomato gardeners, make sure you offer tips that will help them to grow tomatoes. Once you drift from that focus, perhaps by sending them offers on how to maintain a fantastic lawn, you will lose them.
Your next challenge is to attract those targeted subscribers. One excellent method is to give them valuable information they can use right away, perhaps a report on secret fertilizing methods top tomato growers use. Put your free offer in front of them, and they'd have a hard time resisting such an appetizing report.
It all comes down to knowing your target market. Get inside their heads, hang out where they hang out, and share your knowledge with them. You can do that by participating in forums that are dedicated to that market. Find a gardening forum, respond to queries and posts, and take timely opportunities to direct them to your opt-in page where they can grab your free report.
Once you have them on your list, be sure to provide them with more relevant tips on tomato gardening.
You will use this opportunity to gain their trust and build a relationship with them. As that relationship grows, start interjecting messages that contain special offers. If you have your own product on tomato gardening, send them a promotional email directing them to the order page.
If you do not have your own product, you can let them know about a gardening-related affiliate product of which you are a member. Send them your affiliate link in a well-worded friendly message that pre-sells the product.
It is important to alternate free valuable content with your promotional emails. Too many promotions and your subscribers will begin to view you as just another marketer eyeing their pocketbooks.
Social marketing is another way to attract targeted subscribers. Visit blogs that discuss your topic, add a brief comment on related posts, and include a link to your opt in page. Because the blogs are feeding information to their target audience, you can benefit from their promotional efforts and their visitors.
There are many ways to build a rabid list, but these will get you started.


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Thursday, June 11, 2009


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Sunday, May 17, 2009

keywords - Search Engine Optimization tips

With millions of web sites on the Internet, it's understandable that sites owned by the vast majority of us don't make it anywhere near the top of the heap on search engines such as Google™. While getting on Page One of a keyword search is a hard slog for most, it's still important to move our site up in the rankings by ensuring we've chosen and plugged in the most appropriate keywords.

Whether you have created your own web site or have hired a webmaster to do it for you, some tweaking may be needed. In web parlance, this is referred to as SEO, or search engine optimization. It typically involves getting into the site's HTML code, so if this makes you squeamish, you may want to consider passing this task to an SEO specialist.

Regardless of whether or not you do the coding, your involvement as site owner is crucial. Why? Because nobody knows your business better than you. That's important because you need to come up with keywords that best describe what you do, yet differentiate you from the competition. Phrases that use keywords should also be used as keywords. They are the conduit through which people will be able to find you. Here's how they get used on your website:

* Title tag: The Title appears in the top of the browser when someone lands on your site, and tells them what your site is about. It should contain at least some of your most important keywords as close to the beginning of the Title as possible. Reducing the number of words in the Title will increase the "weight" of the keywords - a good thing for search engines.
* Meta Keywords tag: While not as important as it used to be, this is still sometimes used by Google™. The most important keywords should be placed at the beginning of the tag.

* Meta Description tag: Like the Meta Keywords tag, this is not the most important tag on your page, but should contain your best keywords or phrases. This tag contains a concise description of what your site is about, but is not viewable by a browser.
* Beginning of page text: Place the most important keywords/phrases as close to the beginning of the text as possible. If you have a lot of keywords, you may want to be selective, since forcing in too many keywords will make the text unappealing to read. Also, you don't want to make it look like you're keyword-stuffing (frowned upon by search engines) by using words that don't work well together.
* End of page text: Repeat the same important keywords again in the last 50 characters of your page text. Again, use only enough keywords to make the text read well.
* ALT tags: These are the little "flyouts" that appear when you hover the mouse over a graphic or link. Increase your searchability by using them, and incorporating keywords within them.

Some points about keywords:

* Avoid using keywords that most of your competition uses. What words or phrases describe precisely what you do, are somewhat unique but are still likely to be used by someone in a search engine? Don't make them too obscure, however.
* Remember that you can use keywords in a graphic, but they won't help searchability one bit. Search engines can't read graphics. This is where ALT tags will help.
* Bold and/or underline keywords within your text. Search engines pay more attention to words highlighted in this way.
* Use top level headings in your text, and use keyword in the headings.

One free tool that I have found handy is Web CEO (webceo.com). Not only will it help you with all aspects of SEO, it is good for checking the frequency with which the keywords you are contemplating using are searched on a daily basis, what alternate words you might consider, and which competitive sites are using those words.

Choice of keywords and proper use in a web site are the most important actions you can take in search optimization. Of course, there are other things you can do as well. I'll be covering those in future articles.

Gordon Wood is an engineer, writer and stock photographer in London, Canada. His main activity is technical writing, which he conducts through his company, Task Partner http://taskpartner.ca. He has served in various industries, including microelectronics, anti-submarine warfare equipment development, heavy equipment manufacturing, medical imaging systems, digital projection systems and contract electronic manufacturing. Gordon's photographic work can also be viewed at http://realworldphoto.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gordon_H._Wood

Saturday, May 9, 2009

website search engine optimization

PPC Web Spy,is a freeware software or what we call tools to check the keywords are using to the advertiser. This optimization(PPC Web Spy) can install at mozilla firefox or internet explorer.With keyword optimization tools(PPC Web Spy) we know what the keyword advertiser was using so with this SEO tools(PPC Web Spy-freeware) we will be able to analyze the 10 keywords that any Adwords advertiser is currently bidding .Good Luck

search engine optimization clues

search engine optimization clues

Seo Tips - Keywords

Seo (search engine optimization) tips for keywords is one of the starting points for good search engine optimization.
Seo keywords is one of the very first things that you will do when you begin to optimize your web site for high natural search engine rankings. Although it is foundational, meaning that you practically have to do it, it keywords for seo is a very small portion of the work that needs to be done for good seo. It is one of the least impactful components of seo.
So how do you create a strong seo keywords foundation? Here are some tips for seo keyword optimization:

1) Use a keyword tool (the free versions are all you need to get all the information you need) and find keywords that get at least 1000 searches per month, and that have less than 5000 competing web sites (results) in the search engine results.

2) Create individual web pages for each keyword you wish to optimize for. Put the keyword in the title, keyword tag, description tag, a header tag, and several times in the content of the web page.
Once you have your seo keyword foundation, here are some tips to gain further search engine rankings:

1) Write articles around your keyword themes, put text anchor links into your articles, linking to the web page that is optimized for the respective keyword around which your article is written, and submit these articles to each of the top 100 article directories online.

2) Submit your web page url to each of the top 100 web directories online.
Within a short period of time, your optimized web page should be appearing in the top ten results in most of the major search engine rankings for the respective seo tips keywords
you have been using.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks.